Medical Abortion

– what to expect?

The treatment

For a medical abortion you take one Mifegyne tablet, which will induce the abortion. Two days later the abortion will be provoked by Cytotec tablets, which you will insert into your vagina. At the same time you should take tablets to prevent pain.

Day 1

A medical history will be recorded and you will have a gynaecological examination including a pelvic ultrasound. You will be swabbed for Chlamydia, and a blood test will be taken to determine the pregnancy hormone.

After this we will go through the abortion procedure together, the expected normal course, and the complications that may occur.

You will have to sign an abortion request, and finally you will be guided in choosing the type of contraception, you wish to use after the abortion.

Before you leave you will take one Mifegyne tablet. The abortion will now be in progress, and it is necessary to go through the rest of the treatment as Mifegyne is teratogenetic. A few women have nausea, and some start bleeding during the next days.

You will be given 2 bags containing medicine.

– Bag 1 contains one Bonyl 500 mg tablet, two Panodil 500 mg tablets

– Bag 2 contains two Cytotec 0,2 mg tablets

Day 3

– is the day of the abortion. You urinate till your bladder is empty. You swallow all of the 3 tablets from Bag 1 (to prevent pain) at the same time with a glass of water. Lying down on your bed you put the two Cytotec tablets from bag 2 as high up into your vagina as you possibly can, and you remain in your bed for at least one hour. After that you can walk around as you feel like, and also eat and drink.

Cytotec makes the uterus contract so it will empty itself. This can cause severe menstrual pain. It can also make you feel nauseated, make you vomit, and in rare cases give you diarrhea. In case you need more painkillers, you may after six hours take further two Panodil 500 mg tablets and two Ipren 200 mg tablets.

Most abortions happen during the next 4-5 hours and almost all of them within the first 24 hours. The bleeding will be heavier than at a normal menstruation, possibly with clots. It may contain tablet residues  which is OK, as the active substance will have been absorbed.

With a medical abortion the process occurs at home. Therefore, you should not be on your own. You need an adult to be with you in case you need help.

Emergency help

In very few cases the bleeding can be so heavy, that urgent help is needed. If you experience bleeding exceeding double menstruation for more than 2 hours or very severe pain, you can always contact us during opening hours on weekdays from 7.30 am until 3 pm, on Wednesdays the clinic is closed, and on Thursdays hours are from 9.30 am until 5 pm. After the Clinic’s opening hours, you can contact Medical service 1813.

In case of emergency dial 112. You will need to bring this guidance, which serves as a reference.

Day 8

– you are to have taken a blood test to check, that the concentration of the pregnancy hormone has decreased satisfactorily, and that the abortion has taken place. In addition, a pelvic ultrasound of your uterus will be done.

In approximately 5 % of the cases the abortion has not yet happened. The process hereafter depends both on your wishes and on our evaluation. The options are to try again with Cytotec alternatively you may need a surgical abortion.

Usually, the bleeding will be similar to your normal flow and usually last no longer than two weeks. The bleeding will be less if you take birth control tablets. The birth control tablets must be taken for at least one cycle i.e., three weeks.

You should not go away if the complete abortion has not happened. If you need to go away, you must make an appointment beforehand for a checkup with a specialist at your destination.

Don’t take Mifegyne, if:

you suffer from: known allergy to Mifegyne, severe asthma (not treated), inherited porfyria, renal/adrenal or liverfailure, undernourishment, coagulation disorders

Don’t take Cytotec, if:

you suffer from: known allergy to Cytotec, severe atherosclerosis, heart cramps, glaucoma.